NYCLA Mentoring Program

This mentorship program is designed to help you gain experience, build your network and develop your career. Accepting both mentors and mentees. Attorneys with more than 7 years of experience can apply to be both a mentor and a mentee. 
Applications Closed
Application is open until December 10,  2021
We are excited to announce the launch of our mentorship program for our members. If you want to become a part of our program, please fill out the application by December 10, 2021. The program will begin in Jan. 2022 and last through Dec. 2022.

Click here to apply as a mentee.

Those who are selected for the program will be matched by career goals and personal interests to ensure a long-lasting and satisfying mentorship pairing. Additionally, we will have quarterly opportunities for mentors and mentees to network and learn from each other.

We highly encourage you to apply for the program because a great mentor can provide a positive and supportive relationship to further your career.

The program requires a commitment on your part. Please see Requirements for Participation below for more information.

If you are interested in learning more or signing up then please fill out the application form. If you have any questions, please contact program coordinator Emilia Berezinsky at

Interested in being a mentor?

For experienced attorneys interested in sharing their insights and giving back to the legal profession, please apply to become a mentor. Click here for mentor application.


Develop a positive and supportive one-on-one relationship between mentor and mentee

Long-term and short-term goals *

Mentoring gives experienced attorneys a chance to guide young attorneys through their early careers. Mentors help mentees with career development, serve as a sounding board, advise on how to navigate work relationships, and share candid perspectives on everyday practice.

* This is not a hiring program and mentors are not expected or encouraged to provide job opportunities to mentees.
Develop one-on-one mentoring relationships between NYCLA members.
Advise young lawyers in their transition into practice.
Give experienced attorneys a chance to give back to the profession.
Expand upon NYCLA's professional development programming to answer the changing needs of young members of the legal profession.

Requirements for participation

The program requires a commitment on your part. 
Please see the requirements below for more information.
Meet with your mentor/mentee for two hours at least every other month either live or via a video conferencing platform.
Check-in via email or phone at least once a month.
Mentees are expected to reach out to the mentor to schedule meetings.
Attend events or meetings together where possible. Mentors are expected to introduce mentees to other members at events.
Provide feedback to the program coordinator 2 times a year.

2022 Mentorship Timeline



From November 1, 2021, until December 10, 2021, apply to become either a mentee or a mentor.

After mentors and mentees apply for the program, program directors will match the participants before January 2022.



From Jan. 2022 until Dec. 2022, meet with your mentor one-on-one and participate together in various events.

In the initial meeting, mentors will introduce themselves and their background, interests, and goals and ask mentees about theirs.

Also, discuss communication methods and plan out a rough schedule for meetings and check-ins.

Establish any goals or expectations that you have for one another.

The program coordinator will distribute a quarterly survey for candid feedback on how the program is progressing.



In the closing meeting in Dec. 2022, discuss how the mentorship relationship went, final advice and feedback, and expectations for communication after the program concludes.

Mentors and mentees are matched for one year, and, while encouraged, are not required to continue the mentorship after the program concludes.

Why Have a Mentor?



of executives point to mentoring playing a key role in their careers.


of mentoring participants say their experience inspires them.


of attorneys join a bar association to network.

How Mentors Help



Provide Advice



Mentorship Application

Mentee Application

Get career development advice and candid perspectives on everyday practice.

Mentor Application

Give back to the legal profession by advising young lawyers as they build their careers.

Have a question?

If you have any questions about the program, please contact program coordinator Emilia Berezinsky at 